Biography of Veer Tejaji:

Veer Teja Ji or Tejaji is a Rajasthani folk deity. He is considered one of the major eleven incarnations of Shiva and worshipped as a deity in whole (Rural & Urban) Rajasthan. Veer Teja was born around January 29, 1074, in Kharnal, Rajasthan, India. His parents, Ramkunwari and Tahar, were Jats. Legend has it that Teja died in 1103. The story says that he died because of snake bite, he allowed a snake to bite his tongue, that being the only unwounded area of his body. In return, the snake promised that no person or animal would die from a snakebite if they sought the blessings of Teja. 
People in Rajasthan particularly call upon this promise on Shukla tenth of the month of Bhadrapada, a day that is set aside for marking his death.
Birth and Early Life - Love for Horses - Battle with Meha Bhil - Festivals and Celebrations - Cultural Impact of Veer Tejaji
Veer Tejaji
Veer Tejaji, also known as Teja Ji, is a revered folk deity and folk hero in the Rajasthan region of India. He is venerated as a warrior-saint and is considered a protector of cattle and the downtrodden. Veer Tejaji’s story is deeply rooted in Rajasthani folklore, and his legends have been passed down through generations. 
Here is a brief overview of the biography and legends associated with Veer Tejaji:

Birth and Early Life:

Veer Tejaji is believed to have been born in the 14th century in Kharnal, a village in Nagaur district, Rajasthan, India.
His birth name was Teja.

Tejaji’s Love for Horses:

Teja Ji had a deep love for horses from a young age. He was known for his exceptional skills in horsemanship.
Legend has it that he had a divine connection with horses and could communicate with them.

Battle with Meha Bhil:

One of the most famous legends associated with Veer Tejaji is his battle with Meha Bhil, a powerful local chieftain.
Tejaji fought valiantly to protect the cattle and people of his village from Meha Bhil’s aggression.

Self-Sacrifice of Tejaji:

During the battle, Tejaji faced a severe crisis as his horse was injured, and he needed water for both himself and the horse.
In a selfless act of sacrifice, Tejaji is believed to have struck the ground with his sword, causing water to gush forth to quench the thirst of his horse.
However, this act led to his own death.

Divine Status:

After his death, Veer Tejaji is revered as a folk deity and a symbol of selfless sacrifice.
Temples dedicated to Veer Tejaji, known as Tejaji temples, can be found in various parts of Rajasthan.
He is particularly worshipped by the pastoral and agricultural communities as a guardian of cattle and a provider of water.

Festivals and Celebrations:

The festival of Veer Tejaji Jayanti is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Rajasthan. It usually falls on the third day of the bright half of the month of Bhadrapada (August–September).
Devotees visit Tejaji temples, participate in processions, and perform traditional dances and songs to honor Veer Tejaji.

Cultural Impact of Veer Tejaji:

The legends of Veer Tejaji have become an integral part of Rajasthani folk culture, inspiring songs, ballads, and traditional performances.
His tales continue to be passed down orally from generation to generation, contributing to the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan.
Veer Tejaji is revered not only as a warrior-hero but also as a symbol of courage, sacrifice, and compassion in Rajasthani folklore and traditions. His stories showcase the valor and resilience of the people in the arid landscapes of Rajasthan.