Biography of Rani Karnavati:

Rani Karnavati, also known as Rani Karnawati, was a notable queen and historical figure in medieval India. She was the queen of Mewar, a region in present-day Rajasthan, and her story is closely associated with the valor and courage displayed during a critical period in Indian history.
Early Life and Marriage - Chittorgarh Siege and the Rakhi Sent to Humayun - Legacy of Rani Karnavati
Rani Karnavati

Early Life and Marriage:

Rani Karnavati was married to Rana Sanga, the ruler of Mewar, in the 15th century. After the death of her husband, she faced challenging times as the queen regent of Mewar.

Chittorgarh Siege and the Rakhi Sent to Humayun:

In 1535, Chittorgarh, the capital of Mewar, was besieged by Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat. Faced with a dire situation, Rani Karnavati sent a rakhi (a symbolic thread symbolizing protection) to the Mughal emperor Humayun, seeking his assistance and protection. Touched by her plea, Humayun started preparations to help her, but due to various circumstances, his arrival was delayed.

The Karnavati’s Sack of Chittorgarh:

Despite Rani Karnavati’s brave efforts, Chittorgarh fell to the Sultan of Gujarat in 1535. Rather than surrendering to the enemy, it is believed that Rani Karnavati and the women of the palace performed jauhar, a custom in which women self-immolate to avoid capture and dishonor. This tragic event is considered a symbol of the Rajput spirit and the sacrifice made by noble women in the face of adversity.

Legacy of Rani Karnavati:

Rani Karnavati’s story is remembered as an example of bravery, sacrifice, and loyalty. Her actions have become legendary, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of the Rajput people during a turbulent period in Indian history. Chittorgarh, the site of her valiant stand, is a place of historical significance and a symbol of Rajput pride.
Rani Karnavati’s courage and sacrifice continue to inspire people and are commemorated in various forms of art, literature, and cultural expressions in India.