स्टार हेल्थ के 3.1 करोड़ कस्टमर का डेटा 1.25 करोड़ में सेल के लिए उपलब्ध, हैकर्स ने बिक्री के लिए बनाई वेबसाइट

Hackers Website- India TV Paisa

Photo:FILE hackers website

by star health Nearly two weeks after a data theft case was filed against social media platform Telegram and an unidentified hacker, a website surfaced on Wednesday claiming that the data of more than 3.1 crore customers of the company was available for sale for Rs 1.25 crore. Is. This website, created by a hacker named xenZen, claims that it has data of 31,216,953 customers. This includes sensitive information like PAN details, residential address and other personal information. The web address of the website is as follows: https://starhealthleak.st/

Hackers shared complete information

The hacker on the website said, “I am leaking sensitive data related to all the customers and insurance claims of Star Health India. This leak is sponsored by Star Health and Allied Insurance Company, which sold this data directly to me. You can read the details below. You can check the authenticity of the data in the Telegram bots and read the section below. However, it is not known whether the website was created by the same person as alleged in the lawsuit. The hacker alleged that Star Health’s chief information security officer sold all the data and later tried to change the terms of their deal. The hacker claims he has a screencap video of a chat with a Star Health executive. Emails are shown.

What leaked in the data?

The stolen data included Star Health customers’ personal details such as name, phone number and address, as well as information such as tax details, ID cards, medical test reports. Star Health acknowledged the breach but downplayed its severity. Now the hacker has offered to sell the entire leaked dataset till July 2024 for Rs 1.25 crore. Additionally, 100,000 pieces of data have been offered for sale for $10,000. To prove its credibility, the hacker has provided more than 500 ‘random data samples’ on the website, which include dozens of samples from Indian government officials.

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