राजनांदगांव: कृषि वैज्ञानिक दल ने किया तिलहन फसल प्रदर्शन का निरीक्षण

Rajnandgaon: With the objective of promoting improved varieties and modern production techniques of oilseed crops, Soybean crop demonstration was planted in 300 acres area under Collective Front Line Demonstration and Adarsh ​​Oilseed Village Project by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Rajnandgaon. A team of scientists from Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Attari, Jabalpur was formed to observe this demonstration.

The inspection team inspected the crop
The inspection team included Dr. D.P. of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur. Patel, Dr. Manoj Chandrakar and Dr. Dwivedi Prasad along with Dr. Ranjit Singh, scientist from ICAR Attari, Jabalpur were included. The team inspected soybean crop in village Khaparikala of Rajnandgaon development block and village Madrakuhi of Khairagarh development block. During the inspection, farmers were given information about advanced technologies of oilseed crops and necessary guidelines were also provided.

Listened to farmers’ problems, advised on advanced technologies
During the inspection, scientists learned from the farmers about their various problems and advised them to adopt new advanced agricultural techniques and mechanization of oilseed crops. While praising the soybean crop, scientists informed the farmers to promote oilseed crop production. Many officers and employees were also present on this occasion.

Farmers’ income will increase with advanced technologies
The objective of this project is to increase the income of farmers by promoting improved varieties and technologies of oilseed crops. Vice Chancellor of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, Dr. Girish Chandel and Zonal Project Director of Atari, Jabalpur, Dr. S.R.K. This project is being run successfully under the patronage of Dr. Singh, in which extension services are being provided under the guidance of senior scientist Dr. Gunjan Jha.

Tags: Chhattisgarh news, Local18

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