Pain occurs in these body parts due to formation of gas.
People have to face problems due to formation of gas in the stomach. In fact, when people do not eat food at the right time, they often fall prey to acidity and gas. If excessive gas is being produced in someone’s body, it can spoil your health and pain starts in other parts of the body as well. Come, let us tell you where in the body pain occurs due to gas formation in the stomach.
Due to formation of gas, pain starts in these parts of the body:
Stomach ache: When gas builds up in the stomach, the first symptom is pain in the stomach. Gas causes rapid cramps in the upper and lower parts of the stomach. Due to formation of gas, excessive burping occurs and stomach cramps begin. In such situations, many times people have to resort to medicine.
Headache: Stomach and brain are connected to each other, hence whenever there is gas formation in the stomach, it can cause headache. When gas rises into the head, severe pain occurs on one or both sides of the head.
Chest pain: When food is not digested properly, gas starts forming in the stomach. Due to gas formation in the stomach, a burning sensation starts in the chest. Sometimes so much gas is produced that vomiting occurs. In such a situation the pain becomes unbearable.
This home decoction is beneficial:
Cumin and celery water are effective in getting rid of acidity and gas. If gas is forming then add one spoon cumin, one spoon celery and half spoon fennel in a glass of water. Now heat this water until it reduces to half. When the water of the decoction reduces to half then drink it, this will give you instant relief from gas.