World Mental Health Day: खराब मेंटल हेल्थ कैसे हो सकती है जानलेवा, गम सताए तो जरूर बताएं

There is a saying – ‘If there is life then there is world’. Good lifestyle is a sign of good health. Healthy body and mind are real wealth. To maintain their health, people exercise daily and take a good diet, but when it comes to mental health, they ignore it. Whereas mental health improves physical health. Today world mental health day Is. Every person of every age faces stress which spoils his mental health. If mental health deteriorates, other parts of the body get affected and the consequences can be dire.

everyone has the same stress
Author of Rewire, Rework, Reclaim: How to Manage Stress and author of Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi Psychiatrist Dr.Rajeev Mehta It is said that the stress of children, youth and elderly is same but the stressor is different. Stressor is the cause and stress is the result. It is as if diabetes or blood pressure are the same disease but the reasons for its occurrence are different. The cause of stress in children can be studies, whereas in adults, the cause of stress can be bad relationships, financial constraints or job. That means the stressors are different.

There are 3 types of stressors
American Psychological Association According to, there are three main causes of stress – work stressor, financial stressor and emotional stressor. Work stressors include long working hours, work pressure and a harsh boss. Financial stressors include credit card bills, excessive loans, house rent, not having money to meet monthly expenses. Emotional stress can be due to reasons like betrayal, lack of love from parents, fight with partner, divorce, lack of support from family.

Every year 2.6 lakh people in India end their lives due to poor mental health (Image-Canva)

1 in 9 people have mental illness
1 in 9 people in the world is suffering from mental illness. Mental Health Foundation According to 10% of children aged 5 to 16 years were found to have poor mental health after being clinically diagnosed. 70% of children are neither examined nor treated. 50% of mental health problems develop by the age of 14 and 75% by the age of 24. American Psychological Association According to 73% of Americans, the mental health of Americans is affected by stress, which leads to symptoms like headache, fatigue and muscle tension. Stress is a silent killer.

effect on body parts
Our body is run by our mind. When a person is stressed, stress hormones called cortisol, adrenaline or epinephrine are released in the body. These hormones increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels and increase blood sugar. These psychological changes give energy to the body to deal with that situation. Which is called fight and flight response. When these hormones are produced continuously in the body, then chronic stress occurs which emerges after 6 months to 1 year in the form of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety. Stress reduces immunity.

recognize stress
Dr. Rajeev Mehta It is said that depression and anxiety are common due to stress. When this happens, the person’s mind will remain depressed, he will become worried and irritable. He will not be interested in any work nor will he be able to focus. Such a person will calm down or start getting angry. He will have less sleep, less appetite, sexual desire will decrease, he will start forgetting things, his confidence will decrease, he will feel guilty and have depressing thoughts. If such people are not treated by a psychiatrist in time, then such people commit suicide because they feel that there is nothing left in life. World Health Organization According to 720000 people commit suicide every year due to poor mental health.

Poor mental health reduces 10 to 20 years of life (Image-Canva)

Stress level is higher in women
of britain Health and Safety Executive The survey of the website revealed that the stress level of women is 50% more than that of men. The reason for this stress is work pressure. Women aged between 35 to 54 are judged the most by the society and the responsibility of being a good wife, good mother, good daughter-in-law and good homemaker is entrusted to them. Due to this pressure, the study revealed that women are more victims of anxiety than men. Whereas America’s National Library of Medicine In a study published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, it was said that women are more prone to depression than men and the reason behind this is their hormones.

Take care of mental health
Dr. Rajeev Mehta It is said that most people understand the cause of stress but do not get it treated. People think that if there is study pressure, everything will be fine automatically, if there is work pressure, everything will be fine if you change job. But the disease caused by poor mental health does not get cured on its own, it is necessary to get timely treatment from a psychiatrist. To maintain mental health, it is important to do daily exercise, yoga, meditation, eat well and get enough sleep. Apart from this, stay away from the digital world, do not consume alcohol, meet family and friends, share your feelings, talk openly about what is wrong and if you still show signs of loneliness, depression or anxiety, then seek treatment. Get it done.

Tags: Mental diseases, Mental Health Awareness, world mental health day

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