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- Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta’s Column Feel The Power Of The Universe In These Nine Days
5 days ago
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Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta
One who understands power is powerful. When science used power externally, it obtained comforts and facilities. When the sages used the power within, they attained God and peace. Now we will worship the same power in the coming days. There is an incident in Devi Bhagwat.
Lord Vishnu was sitting on a leaf in the form of Baal Mukund. The cataclysm had happened. There was nothing in the world and he heard a verse – ‘Sarvam Khalvidamevaham Nanyadasti Sanatanam.’ In short it means that I am everything. Then Vishnu ji said, what power is this, whose voice is this? So the supreme power said, this is I and they divided.
Shakti in the form of Saraswati was handed over to Brahma and said that now you will create, in the form of Lakshmi she was handed over to Vishnu and said that now you will obey and in the form of Durga she was handed over to Shiva and said that you will destroy. Shakti tells us to learn in these nine days, that is, to expand. During these nine days, the power present in the universe, which is called cosmic energy, is easily available to us. Make full use of it.