Jaipur. The extremely juicy and pulpy dragon fruit contains abundant nutrients. This fruit is very juicy, whose plant grows like a vine. Dragon fruit is considered an exotic fruit. Dragon plant loves sunlight. Apart from the plant, it can also be planted from seeds and cuttings. It is a cactus species of plant. The color of its peel becomes green and later turns red-pink.
Ayurvedic doctor Kishan Lal told that dragon fruit has many health benefits. It is beneficial in diseases like dengue and malaria. It contains antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients, which can help strengthen the immune system. It is also helpful in keeping the body hydrated and providing energy.
Benefits of eating dragon fruit
Ayurvedic doctor Kishan Lal said that dragon fruit contains abundant nutrients and is very useful for health. Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, iron and protein which is a very beneficial fruit for skin and hair. Apart from this, this fruit contains plenty of antioxidants and vitamins, which strengthen the immune system. At the same time, dragon fruit has high amount of fiber which is very useful in controlling weight. The doctor told that dragon fruit contains minerals like calcium and magnesium, which make bones strong. Apart from this, it is helpful in improving eyesight.
This is how dragon fruit is cultivated
Mahesh Kumar, an advanced farmer cultivating dragon fruit, said that dragon fruit cultivation is done in areas with hot climate. Light black soil or sandy soil is best for this. Its plants are planted at a distance of 1-2 meters. Regular irrigation is done in the initial period of planting, more water is required in the summer season. In this, it is necessary to give fertilizer according to the growth of the plants. After this, dragon fruit ripens in about 30-50 days. Ripeness can be detected by lightly pressing the fruit. When the fruit starts changing color, it is cut.
Tags: health, jaipur news, Local18, Rajasthan news
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 9, 2024, 19:50 IST