iPhone खरीदने के लिए नाबालिग लड़के ने रची ऐसी साजिश, जिसे जानकर उड़ जाएंगे आपके होश

iPhone- India TV Hindi

Image Source : FILE/PEXELS
Minor boy conspired to buy iPhone

Nalanda: There is a lot of craze for iPhone among youth and children. But since it is an expensive mobile, it is not within everyone’s reach to buy it. In Nalanda, Bihar, a minor boy was so obsessed with buying an iPhone that he conspired to rob his own family members and even carried out the incident.

What is the whole matter?

The incident took place in Sarvodaya Nagar of Deepnagar police station area of ​​Nalanda. Here, in order to buy an iPhone, a minor boy along with his friends conspired to commit robbery in his house and stole gold and silver jewelery and about Rs 1 lakh kept in the house.

In this case, the police have detained 3 minors and arrested a youth. Police have also recovered the stolen goods. Sadar DSP Nurul Haq organized a press conference on Wednesday afternoon and gave this information.

Police said that on Tuesday evening, information was given by Shiv Shankar Pandey, a resident of Sarvodaya Nagar, that by breaking the door of the house, his son was taken hostage and about Rs 1 lakh cash and jewelery worth lakhs of rupees kept in Godrej was looted. After getting information about the incident, when the police investigated, it was found that the complainant’s son, along with his friends, had committed theft in his house and carried out the conspiracy to buy the iPhone.

In this case, 3 minors including the plaintiff’s son have been detained and a youth has been arrested. Stolen Rs 1 lakh 780, gold and silver jewellery, cutters and 4 mobile phones have been seized from these people. After this incident came to light, the family members of the minor boy are shocked and they cannot believe that their child can go to this extent to buy an iPhone. (Input: Shiv Kumar from Nalanda)

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