During Corona, every person used to wash hands again and again. Then people understood that if they wanted to stay away from diseases, they would have to wash their hands. But as soon as the Corona cases decreased, people also forgot to wash their hands like before. Whereas dirty hands always cause infection. Today i.e. 15th October is Global Handwashing Day And on this occasion it is important to remind why to wash hands.
Why do bacteria live on hands?
Senior Consultant in the Department of Internal Medicine at Surabhi Hospital, Noida. Dr.Abhishek Walia said that The skin of the hands is rough and the palm is pressed at many places due to which pits are formed. Because of this shape, bacteria and viruses stick to the hands. Which many times do not come out even after washing hands for 20 seconds. However, washing hands can prevent up to 80 percent of diseases. If someone washes hands with hot water then only 10 seconds is enough.
Many diseases from hands
While eating, hands go directly into the mouth due to which bacteria and viruses directly enter the body. This can spread more than 400 types of infections. This can cause cough, cold, acne and many types of respiratory, eye and stomach related infections. People who have low immunity and do not wash their hands often fall ill.
How often should you wash your hands?
Hands should be washed every time before and after using the toilet. Apart from this, one must wash the child’s diaper after applying sanitary pads, before and after cooking, before and after eating, after smoking, after handling animals, after coming from outside and after gardening. At the same time, if there is cough and cold, then handwashing is necessary every time after using tissue or handkerchief.

In the world, 18 lakh children under the age of 5 lose their lives due to infections caused by dirty hands (Image-Canva)
History of hand washing is 177 years old
The process of hand washing has started from the maternity ward of Vienna General Hospital in Europe. In 1847, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis of Hungary realized that pregnant women, new mothers and newborn babies were losing their lives due to unknown diseases. After much consideration, he made hand washing mandatory in the maternity ward, which reduced the death rate. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis is called the Father of Handwash. Apart from this, Florence Knight Angle, the founder of Modern Nursing, also made it mandatory for all nurses to wash hands.
correct way to wash hands
After Corona, most people have come to know that hands should be washed for 20 seconds, but there is a special way to wash hands in these seconds. World Health Organization ,WHO) According to this, wet your hands thoroughly before applying soap. Then take soap and rub it on the palm. Clean the left hand from the right wrist and the right hand from the left wrist thoroughly. Rub the nails also. Rub your hands from above also. After this wash hands with strong running water. After washing hands, dry them with a clean towel or hair dryer.
to the face No touch
Dirty hands can spoil the beauty of the face. The bacteria living on them can cause pimples and acne, so whenever you touch your face, wash your hands first. It is important to wash hands with soap before applying face wash, face pack or face mask. Apart from acne, the risk of fungal infections on the skin like rashes, skin dryness, itching and white patches increases.
take off the bangle and ring
Many women wash their hands while wearing bangles, bangles and rings. Whereas men wash their hands while wearing wrist watches which is wrong. While washing hands, watches, rings and bangles should be removed. Actually, micro organisms live in all these things due to which there is no benefit in washing hands. Things like rings, bangles become home to bacteria and viruses.

Washing hands reduces the risk of diarrhea by 58% (Image-Canva)
paper towel better than towel
Some people wipe their hands with a towel after washing their hands, but paper towels are safer than these cloth towels. If you use cloth towels, wash them daily and dry them in the sun. Actually, paper towels are disposable whereas cloth towels are reused, hence bacteria grow rapidly on them. The risk of infection is less with paper towel.
Liquid soap better?
Some people wash hands with soap and some with liquid soap. But repeatedly washing hands with soap can spoil the pH of the skin. Due to this the skin can get irritated and become dry and lifeless. Rashes may also occur. At the same time, perfume is added to most soaps to add fragrance, which spoils the skin. Therefore, it is better to wash hands with liquid soap. Some people in the village also wash their hands with ash or soil which is not good. Due to this, instead of being destroyed, the bacteria increase.
People don’t wash hands in office
Office Max in New Zealand conducted a survey in which it was found that people in the office do not wash their hands quickly. 33% people admitted that they do not wash hands after using toilet. And even if people wash their hands, they do not dry them. Auckland University admitted that bacteria stick easily to wet hands.
Tags: corona 19, Fungal Infection, global health, Health
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 15, 2024, 17:25 IST