From tea to bonfire, know what are safe winter care tips from an expert.-चाय से लेकर अलाव तक, एक एक्‍सपर्ट से जानिए क्‍या हैं सेफ विंटर केयर टिप्‍स।

The winter season also brings with it many health problems. To avoid these, we adopt various measures, but are all these measures safe?

The cold weather of winter often brings pleasant feelings, but due to the cold wave it also sometimes causes various health problems. These days, due to the pandemic, health concerns have increased manifold. To avoid this, people adopt many known and unknown remedies. Some of these are good, while some are harmful for your health. Let us talk about these winter care tips today.

During the winter season, special care is necessary for children, elderly, pregnant women, people with low immunity and those suffering from chronic diseases.

For centuries, our ancestors have been especially cautious about their health in winter, and there are scientific reasons for this. You will be surprised to know that most of the secrets related to their life are hidden in their daily habits. We can also protect ourselves from many types of infections and diseases by adopting these habits in everyday life.

1. Protection from extreme temperatures

It is not only that during winter days you have to protect yourself from going out in the open air, but you should also avoid staying in closed and very hot places which are not ventilated.

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These 40 days of severe winter are sensitive from health point of view. Image-Shutterstock

The use of means of generating heat by burning coal results in less supply of oxygen to the brain and if one stays in such unventilated rooms for a long time, it can lead to headache, unconsciousness or even death.

2. Caution in consuming uncooked, raw foods

Raw vegetables (especially green, leafy vegetables) and poultry products are home to a variety of microorganisms. Which also includes viruses and bacteria. Therefore, wash them thoroughly before cooking and ensure that they are not undercooked.

Infections spread through food may cause bloating, discomfort or diarrhea. Additionally, frozen milk products or packaged dairy products may cause typhoid or other bacterial infections.

3. Drink adequate amount of water

Our body sweats naturally even in winter, and despite feeling less thirsty, the body still needs water. By consuming 2 to 3 liters of water every day, you can avoid problems like lack of water in the body, laziness and dry skin.

Even if you don't feel thirsty, you should keep drinking water. Image: Shutterstock
Even if you don’t feel thirsty, you should keep drinking water. Image: Shutterstock

People who have the problem of kidney stones need to take special care of this because the problem can increase due to lack of water in the body.

4. Consumption of adequate amount of sunlight

During the winter season, we often like to stay in closed rooms, hiding under quilts and blankets. The result is that the body gets less sunlight, which leads to Vitamin D deficiency. You should ensure that your skin gets adequate exposure to sunlight, especially for the elderly and pregnant women, who need higher amounts of Vitamin D.

Dietary sources of vitamin D include nuts, whole grains, dairy products, soy, eggs and green leafy vegetables. It is beneficial to include these in the daily diet.

5. Exercise

In winter, we often feel lazy due to the weather. In such a situation, due to lack of exercise, our muscles become weak and joints start suffering.

Yoga and exercise keep you healthy in winter. Image: Shutterstock
Yoga and exercise keep you healthy in winter. Image: Shutterstock

Light to moderate aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes every day is beneficial, but be careful to avoid excessive exercise as doing so in winter increases the risk of joint and muscle damage.

6. Take care of your personal hygiene

Many times during the winter season, the skin becomes extremely dry and scabs form on it. Dry skin starts itching. Due to this, fungal infection can occur, which apart from dandruff, can cause many other problems in the skin.

This can be avoided by taking care of your hygiene, especially around the private parts, armpits, head and feet. Use of good moisturizing creams and antifungal intimate washes are also effective ways to prevent infections.

Also read – These 5 habits of yours after 40 can be dangerous for your health, change them from today itself.

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