Bageshwar News: 9 महीने से पहले पैदा हो रहे बच्चे, जच्चा-बच्चा दोनों के लिए खतरा!

Bageshwar. There is an increase in the cases of pre-delivery in the hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Women are giving birth to children in 7 to 8 months instead of 9 months. Pre-delivery is neither good for the health of the child nor for the health of the mother. In the last three months, 472 deliveries have taken place in Bageshwar District Hospital, out of which 410 are pre-delivery cases of women. Talking to Local 18, Bageshwar’s gynecologist Dr. Reema Upadhyay says that more cases of pre-delivery have been seen in the last few months. Generally it is seen that women who are working by lifting heavy weights are having pre-delivery. Apart from this, the month of Asoj is also going on in the mountains these days, so during these days women work more than their capacity. In such a situation, when pregnant women are also doing this work, they are having pre-delivery.

Dr. Reema says that pre-delivery increases the chances of the child being born unhealthy. A child is not considered healthy between 7 to 8 months. During this period, many body parts of the child have not matured and being born in an immature period can cause many problems in the child. These problems can remain with children throughout their life. Pre-delivery is also harmful for the health of the pregnant woman. Women who give birth before delivery have to face many health related problems, from which it takes a long time for women to recover.

How to avoid pre delivery?
He said that pregnant women should take special care of their health. One should avoid lifting heavy objects and doing excessive work. Your routine checkup should be done regularly from the first month itself. Apart from this, after the fourth month one should take special care of the child and oneself. Many precautions should be taken even while eating food. One should rest as much as possible. If possible, you should walk. Apart from this, no work of any kind should be done without doctor’s advice.

Tags: Bageshwar News, health, Local18, Pregnant Women, Uttarakhand news

Disclaimer: The medicine/medicines and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any damages caused by any such use.

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