Aditya Krishna/Amethi: Various schemes are being implemented by the government in council schools. In this sequence, electronic incinerator vending machines (sanitary pad vending machines) have been installed in the council schools of Amethi district for the health safety of girl students of council schools and also to make the school premises dirt free. After the installation of this high-tech machine, efforts are being made to speed up this scheme for the purpose of cleanliness.
Machines installed in so many schools of the district
Let us tell you that 118 upper primary schools of the district have been selected in this scheme. Where these pad vending machines will be installed. The expenses of these machines costing about Rs 16 lakh will be borne by the government. These machines have been installed in the school for the purpose of health and cleanliness of the girl students. These machines will prove to be very effective in getting rid of health problems. Along with this, girl students will not be forced to leave their studies.
Students will be free from diseases
Regarding this initiative, the student told Local 18 that we will get a lot of benefits through this machine. We will get strength in cleanliness and with this we will not be forced to leave studies. The student said that earlier she had to face problems, now she will get rid of the problems.
E Shram Card Scheme: Take advantage of this scheme, insurance of Rs 1,000 and Rs 2 lakh every month
This much will be the cost in one school if the infection goes away
These machines have been purchased through JAM portal at the rate of Rs 13,900 per school. Sanitary pads are disposed of in this machine. Where the infection caused by it cannot spread anywhere else. These are very important for girls and from the point of view of cleanliness, these machines have been installed in the school.
Tags: Amethi news, Local18, Special Project, Uttar pradesh news
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 10, 2024, 16:14 IST