जॉब के पहले ही दिन शख्स ने उठाया बड़ा कदम, इंडियन बॉस ने मांग लिया कुछ ऐसा, कर दिया रिजाइन

New Delhi. A product designer quit his job on his first day because his boss asked him to work overtime without pay. Not only this, when the person talked about work-life balance, the boss dismissed work-life balance as a “fancy term” and “Western culture”. The boss also threatened her to “work through the night”, which the designer described as “unfair, inhumane and insensitive”.

Moreover, she felt even more humiliated when the boss scolded her and behaved in a way that did not suit her at all. A person named Shreyas has shared his experience on Reddit and also appealed to the online community to refer him for UI/UX jobs. Shreyas wrote on Reddit, “At the end of my first day, on October 7, my reporting manager made it clear that he expected more than usual – more work than usual, without any extra pay.”

He further said, “When I tried to set limits, they made fun of me for talking about ‘work-life balance’, calling it a ‘fancy term’ and ‘culture of western developed countries’. He also dismissed my desire to study and exercise as an excuse.”

Tags: job news, Special Project

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