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Male Vs Female Brain: Girls excel in studies and exams and boys lag behind. From schools to playgrounds, girls are spreading their magic. Nowadays, women are seen ahead in competitive exams like UPSC and in building a business empire. Whenever it comes to such success stories, the question arises whether the minds of girls are sharper than boys. This matter has been debated for a long time and till now even scientists seem confused about this question. Today we are telling you some interesting things related to this.

Northwestern University of America Report according to When it comes to brain, men’s brain is 10 percent larger in size than women’s brain, but this has no effect on intelligence. The size may be different, but there is a lot of similarity in the brain of male and female. There are many types of chemicals in the brain of both, which work in the same way. Till now no research has been able to find out whether women’s brain or men’s brain is sharper. However, it can be estimated to some extent based on many things.

Women have more gray matter in their brain!

There is evidence that women have more gray matter in their brains than men. Gray matter helps the body process information in the brain. This matter is found in those parts of the brain which are related to muscle control and sensory perception. However, the gray matter in the brain of women reduces during pregnancy. It is believed that women use more white matter found in the brain, whereas men use more gray matter. From this it can be understood that men are better at task focused projects, while women may be better at language and multitasking.

This specialty in men’s brain

According to scientists, the inferior-parietal lobule in the brain of men is larger than that of women. This part of the brain is associated with mathematical problems, estimating time and estimating speed. There was debate about another area of ​​the brain, the hippocampus, which is associated with memory, but recent studies have found no difference in the hippocampus between men and women. From this it becomes clear that both can have equal amount of memory. Some studies have found that due to some differences in the brain of women and men, there is a lot of difference in behavior and thinking.

Who is more at risk of depression?

Apart from brain processing patterns, men and women have different brain chemistry, while both process the same neurochemicals in different ways. For example, serotonin, the hormone associated with happiness, is not processed equally in women. This helps understand why women are more sensitive to anxiety and depression. Due to differences in the genetic structure of the brain, men and women may be at greater risk of many health problems. However, more research is needed in this regard.

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Tags: brain power, Health, Lifestyle, trending news

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