Gold and silver created a ruckus in the bullion market on Monday. Today gold rose by Rs 750 to reach a record level of Rs 80,650 per 10 grams in the national capital. This is the new fresh all time high rate till now. Apart from this, silver also made a huge splash today and directly became costlier by Rs 5000 per kg. Today, the price of silver in Delhi jumped from Friday’s price of Rs 94,500 per kg to a new record level of Rs 99,500 per kg. According to PTI news, All India Bullion Association gave this information. On Friday, gold of 99.5 percent purity had closed at Rs 79,500 per 10 grams, while gold of 99.9 percent purity had closed at Rs 79,900 per 10 grams.
Due to this there was an explosion in prices
According to the news, commodity market experts say that the main reason for the ongoing rise in the silver market is industrial demand and the rise in gold. The rise of silver looks strong. He said investors will continue to view the decline as a buying opportunity, which will provide good support to the white metal in the coming sessions. Besides, gold of 99.5 per cent purity rose by Rs 750 to hit a new record high of Rs 80,250 per 10 grams. Bullion traders attributed the rise in gold prices to increased buying by local jewelers to meet increased demand during the festive and wedding season, which supported the rise in prices of the yellow metal.