Kasni Benefits in Hindi: ‘Chicory’, a miraculous plant of the plant world, is very beneficial for the body. Its leaves are used as medicine for diseases like liver problems, kidney, blood sugar and piles.
Health expert gave this information
Dr. Vinay Khullar, Principal of Kaya Ayurveda Medical College, said that consuming chicory, which is rich in Ayurvedic properties, provides relief from liver disorders. By consuming it daily, you will start seeing improvement in 10-15 days. Apart from this, he told that its leaves, flowers, seeds and roots are used as medicines.
Consumption of chicory is considered beneficial for heart health. Kasani is rich in insulin, which works to reduce cholesterol levels. Due to which your risk of having a heart attack is reduced.
rich in vitamins
Nutritious elements of chicory: Chicory is rich in natural chemicals. It contains elements rich in vitamins, crystalline Nigelone, iron, sodium, potassium and fatty acids. Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, E, K are also found in it. Being rich in these elements, chicory is very beneficial from health point of view.
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Beneficial in insomnia, stress and anxiety
Doctor Khullar said that consumption of chicory proves beneficial for insomnia, stress and anxiety. Good amount of antioxidants are found in chicory. Which is helpful in getting relief from mental disorders. Which also includes insomnia, anxiety, stress and depression. Drinking its juice will give you relief from insomnia, stress and anxiety.
Also beneficial for kidneys
The substances present in the kidneys are removed from the chicory root through urine. Due to which chicory has a positive effect on kidney health. Therefore consumption of chicory is good for kidney function.
Tags: health tips, Local18
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 11, 2024, 10:37 IST
Disclaimer: The medicine/medicines and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any damages caused by any such use.