If you want to remain healthy for a long life, then learn to be physically active. Practice yoga daily, so that all the organs of the body remain healthy. If you want to be truly healthy, then look at your plate carefully every day before eating. What you are eating and how much it will benefit the body or cause harm. It is important to assess this because of the recent report of PGI Chandigarh. According to which Indians, especially North Indians, consume more salt and less protein. Salt contains sodium. Consuming too much salt upsets the sodium balance of the body and causes muscle pain, cramps, lethargy, restlessness, digestive problems and increased blood pressure along with irregular heart beat. Eating too much salt triggers headaches and migraines. Many times, this causes the calcium level to deteriorate, leading to hyper and hypo-kalemia. The risk of heart attack, paralysis and kidney failure increases.
Now the question is how to balance the level of electrolytes in the body? How much salt should we eat daily? What should be the protein intake? Now WHO advises to eat 5 grams of salt every day. Meaning a healthy person should eat only one spoon of salt throughout the day. Whereas proteins are considered body building blocks. Generally, protein should be taken at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram of weight. However, in Indian style of cooking, salt is still used in limit. It is also rich in protein. Therefore it is important that we return to our roots. Eat pulses, bread and vegetables and adopt yoga to stay healthy.
Health deteriorated due to excess salt
- Hypertension at the age of 40
- 84% of 35-49 year olds face stress
- 40% of heart patients are below 40.
be careful after 30
- Get BP checked once a month
- Get cholesterol checked in 6 months
- Get your blood sugar checked in 3 months
- Get your eyes tested once a year
- Get a complete body checkup done every year
Protect yourself from these diseases
- keep BP under control
- maintain cholesterol balance
- Do not let sugar level increase
- Do exercise and yoga
- keep weight under control
- don’t smoke
Diet plan after 30
- increase water intake
- reduce salt and sugar
- eat more fiber
- definitely eat nuts
- eat whole grains
- definitely take protein
benefits of yoga
- Energy will increase
- BP control
- weight control
- sugar control
- improve sleep
- better mood
3 white poison, effect on health
Salt- Hypertension, Heart Problem, Kidney Problem, Nerve Problem
Sugar- Diabetes, weak eyesight, oral problem, pancreas problem
Fine flour- Obesity, indigestion, liver problem, intestinal problems