यरुशलम में पैदा हुआ, भारत तक फैली जड़ें, अब ISIS के हमदर्द हिज्‍ब-उत-तहरीर का दानापानी बंद, आतंक के रहनुमा पर चोट

New Delhi. When Narendra Modi took over the reins of the country, he made one thing clear that there would be no compromise on national security. Whatever steps need to be taken in the interest of national security will be taken. Modi government has once again proved this. The government has put the Islamic organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) in the list of banned organizations. HuT is also considered a sympathizer and ally of ISIS. HuT is accused of misleading the youth and pushing them on the path of radicalism.

The government declared the Islamic organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir a banned organization on Thursday. HuT’s objective is to establish an Islamic state and caliphate globally through jihad and terrorist activities. Let us tell you that the global HuT came into existence in the year 1953 in Jerusalem. After this, this organization started sowing the seeds of fundamentalism all over the world. In view of HuT’s anti-national activities, the Government of India has banned it.

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Home Ministry issued order
The Union Home Ministry issued a notification saying that HuT is involved in radicalizing the youth and motivating them to join terrorist organizations like ISIS and raising funds for terrorist activities. HuT is promoting terrorism by using various social media platforms and secure apps and by holding ‘Dawah’ (invitation) meetings to encourage youth to join terrorist activities.

dream of creating an islamic country
The Home Ministry said that HuT is an organization whose objective is to overthrow democratically elected governments through jihad and terrorist activities by involving the people of the country in the organization. Apart from this, its dream is also to establish Islamic nation and caliphate all over the world including India. The Home Ministry said that this is a serious threat to the country’s democratic system and internal security. HuT has been declared a banned organization under UAPA. The central government believes that Hizb-ut-Tahrir is involved in terrorism and has been involved in terrorist incidents in India.

Tags: Home Minister Amit Shah, National Security, UAPA Act

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