New Delhi. Popular actress of the 90s, Shilpa Shirodkar is currently seen in Bigg Boss 18. While participating in Bigg Boss, he had said that he had nothing to hide on the show. She will remain the same in Bigg Boss 18 as she is in real life. Shilpa Shirodkar is seen sharing her pain with Gunaratna in the last episode. She recalled that period of her life when she was completely heartbroken.
Shilpa Shirodkar told that she was devastated after the death of her parents in 2008. During the most difficult phase of her life, her husband Aparesh Ranjit sacrificed a lot for her. She says, ‘When my parents passed away in 2008, I went into clinical depression’. Getting emotional, the actress told that her husband was at the peak of his career at that time, but he had left everything and shifted to India.
Husband put career at stake
The actress further said, ‘I mean, if at that time Aparesh had said that I will not leave anything, you sacrifice, then perhaps he would have been at a different stage in his career. Shiloya Shirodkar says that her husband Aparesh was her biggest support in her difficult times.
Gunaratna praised the actress
While talking to Shilpa, Gunaratna said that if she had not left the industry, perhaps today she would have had stardom like Madhuri Dixit in Bollywood. Regarding this, Shilpa said, ‘It is a matter of fate, I have no regrets about anything’.
Tags: bigg boss, Entertainment news., Namrata Shirodkar
FIRST PUBLISHED: October 9, 2024, 08:57 IST